Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that measures brain waves to produce a signal that can be used to teach self-regulation of brain activity.
We are especially concerned with the more “intractable” brain-based problems of childhood whose needs are not currently being met.
Neurofeedback is effectively used to enhance performance. Peak performance is an easily recognized mental state where one is both focused and present.
Are you ready to unlock your brains potential? Would you like to make an appointment? Please send me a message and I will contact you.
Focus and emotional balance is the key to performance in all areas. Neurofeedback trains your brain to function more efficiently, improving mental functioning and emotional stability.
Much like physical training, we use brainwave training to strengthen specific brainwave patterns. The more you practice activating a specific area the stronger and more capable that area becomes.
“Great improvement in duration and quality of sleep. There is no question that NF has been successful in my case with no related side effects… it is my impression that I sleep much better since starting NF.”
-71 year old retired dentist, primary complaint insomnia
Brain self-regulation is the ability of the brain and central nervous system to control and balance body functions, such as sleep/awake states, appetite, attention, concentration, energy, hormones, mood, and body awareness.
A traumatic experience that is not integrated will keep telling the body of the individual that his ability to deal with survival is uncertain. To deal with the anxiety, the person often develops addiction in order to try to find positive expression.
Am I a Candidate for Biofeedback or Neurofeedback for Chronic Pain?
by Cindy Perlin, LCSW
Unique visual stimulation may be new treatment for Alzheimer’s
Anne Trafton | MIT News Office
The Plastic Brain, the Holographic Mind and Neurofeedback
by P. Terrence Moore, MD
Neurofeedback shows promise in treating tinnitus
The Inattentive Brain/ADD/ADHD Disorder
by Dr. Terrence Moore
The Concussed Brain
by P. Terrence Moore, MD
Variability is the Spice of Life
by P. Terrence Moore, MD
Sustained effects of neurofeedback in ADHD: a systematic review
and meta‑analysis
by Jessica Van Doren • Martijn Arns • Hartmut Heinrich • Madelon A. Vollebregt • Ute Strehl • Sandra K. Loo
Maggie’s Story
Neurofeedback has established itself as a safe and effective technique that can enhance brain function–through improving the efficiency of the neural networks in the brain. It has proven its effectiveness in disorders such as epilepsy, ADHD, head […]
One reason that formal research on neurofeedback by people in the academic community hasn’t generally matched what is being accomplished clinically is surely that researchers tended to take the operant conditioning model seriously. Plainly, the […]
ILF Neurofeedback Mechanisms and Neurophysiology Othmer, S., and Othmer, S.F. (2024) Endogenous Neuromodulation at Infra-Low Frequency: Method and Theory, DOI: 10.20944/preprints202310.1085.v2 […]
For many early neurofeedback professionals, the impetus to enter this field came through a compelling personal experience either with their personal training, that of a family member, or that of a client. And thus it was with us as well. In fact, […]